Friday, July 29, 2011

Peggy and Ted’s Birthday Party Is Tomorrow

Posted By on Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 2:00 PM

I love this woman like a mother. Happy birthday Peggy!!!
  • I love this woman like a mother. Happy birthday Peggy!!!

Buffet Bar and Crockpot’s daytime bartender Miss Peggy Barclay and former owner Ted Bair are celebrating their birthdays tomorrow at the bar. It promises to be quite the shindig, and generations of Buffet patrons are expected to attend.

This is a good time for me to propose my theory of “bar-as-family.” While many people call the Buffet a dive bar with a hint of a snicker — heck, the bar’s website celebrates the designation - it serves as much more to some. One could nearly call the relationships forged there "familial," although there's a lot more beer and a better juke box than any family gathering I've been to.

When a good friend I met at the Buffet died a couple years back, his mother sent some of his ashes to Miss Peggy. It’s been a meeting place and hangout for everyone from business professionals to bikers for more than 70 years. Some people go to church for community, others go to the Buffet and some go to both. To each their own.

Anyway, stop in tomorrow and say happy birthday to Ted and Peggy, and you’ll get to see what I’m talking about. The party runs from 1 to 4 p.m. Oh, and if you haven’t gotten Peggy a gift yet, she likes earrings. That is all.

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