Friday, October 23, 2009

Downtown Master Plans Show Closes Saturday

Posted By on Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 10:26 AM

Artists and designer Rachelle Díaz and architect Bill Mackey talked up the Pop Up Spaces' show “±92: Downtown Master Plans, 1932-2009,” on Arizona Illustrated last night. See interview after jump. If you haven't had a chance to see the exhibit at the McLellen Building, 63 E. Congress St. (northwest corner of Scott Avenue and Congress Street), there's a closing reception on Saturday, Oct. 24, from 6 to 8 p.m.

From Pop Up Spaces:

Local artists Bill Mackey, Julie Ray, Rachelle Díaz and Kimi Eisele will offer a “Closing Discussion and Executive Summary” about the exhibit, “±92: Downtown Master Plans, 1932-2009,” a compilation of over 100 Downtown Tucson master plans. Since opening on Oct. 3, the exhibit has drawn over 450 viewers to its storefront location on Congress Street.

On Oct. 24, 2009, artists will answer questions from the audience, discuss their intentions, and present results from public input surveys collected during the exhibit.

The exhibit showcases realized and unrealized plans authored from the early 20th century to 2009. An interactive timeline helps viewers track world events, economic and social trends, and Tucson's history in relationship to the plans’ origins, realization, or death. The show presents a rare opportunity to see ALL of the planning for downtown Tucson in one space at one time.

Viewers are also asked to comment on existing downtown spaces through an interactive photography exhibit. Throughout the exhibit, a crew of official performing "apparatchiks" have diligently collected (and heavily processed) public input surveys for current and future planning efforts.

The discussion will last an hour. Cake will be served.

Cake? Anything to support Pop Up Spaces. Get down there folks.