Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Tube Tied

Posted By on Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 4:36 PM

Did you realize that it's TV Turn-Off Week? Yep, between Monday, April 21, and Sunday, April 27, we're supposed to stay away from the glass teat.

You might be wondering: Why would I turn off my TV?

Here's the answer from TV Turn-Off organizers: "Turning off the television gives us a chance to think, read, create, and do. To connect with our families and engage in our communities. To turn off TV and turn on life."

I'm down for that! I'm doing OK with it so far. I watched the Mets-Phillies game on Monday, but I had TiVo'ed that on Sunday, so it didn't really count as a "Monday viewing." And I watched The Daily Show and Colbert on Monday and Tuesday, but that's a professional obligation.

But from here on out, no more TV this week!