Monday, June 12, 2006

Fun With Press Releases

Posted By on Mon, Jun 12, 2006 at 1:44 PM

Every so often, an editor has to ask himself: How in the hell did I end up on this e-mail list?

I am experiencing one of those times right now. I just got a news release/guest commentary submission from the Save the Manatee Club. The commentary they want me to run is called Unwarranted State Action Puts Manatees in Clear and Future Danger.

For a second, I was wondering if the Arizona Legislature had officially lost it and was taking action on manatee-related legislation, despite the fact that Arizona, last I checked, lacked any bodies of water that could sustain manatee life. But no, the state in question was Florida.

So, how the hell did I get on this e-mail list, anyway?